✞CDLC Big Meet 2023✞

My second time attending the CDLC's Big Meet and I got to say that it just got better. So much better than even going there after just week after Ultrace was feeling a great move! Here's why - this feels more like a true automotive enthusiast fest, I mean here, at Jami, at Big Meet you'll hear a stories about how guys put an engine in car the day before fest... or how low till concrete static car move over 400km across all Finland just to get there. So after reading above you might have a reasonable question - why? What's so important about this fest?

First of all, this all feel like a big and raw old-school party. In finnish style. A lot of Sandels beer, even some cars with this stickers. All cars are different, here you'll see  a polished to a shine cars and rusted track projectiles near at one place. You can speak to owners and hear a different and all interesting stories about their projects, what it means to them, how did they get them, how are build going, sometimes funny, sometimes sad stories, a true proof that there's a story behind every car.

Finland, Jami Airfield. June 2023 y.